. . DP Survey - Your Feedback and What We've Learnt - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

DP Survey – Your Feedback and What We’ve Learnt

Digital Pacific Survey 2013

Recently we conducted a big survey in order to better understand you, as our customers, and how you think we’re performing as a service provider.
After many hours of reading though, and enjoying, your valuable feedback, the results are finally in. But before we present you with them, we would like to thank everyone that was involved and for providing us with some of your time in order to make this happen.

While we analyse the figures and feedback further, we would like to share with everyone the percentage based results of the survey. We obviously can’t share everything but the following is an info-graphic portraying your collective answers.

Digital Pacific Survey

We would like to say a big Thank You to everybody that participated in the survey and for providing us with your valuable feedback, we appreciate this. We will now analyse the results and start using your feedback and suggestions to improve our products, services and the overall customer experience.

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