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Ways to Promote Your Website – Part 2 of 3.

Welcome back to part two of three articles on ways to promote your website. If you missed out on the last post, go and check out:
Ways to Promote Your Website – Part 1 of 3 to familiarise yourself and gain further details. In part 1, we covered fresh content, keywords and Meta Tags as strategies for bringing attention to your website. In this post, we will identify further promotion tactics with blog writing, forum contributions and adding a mailing list.

Ways to Promote Your Website - Part 2 of 3

Blog writing

Writing blogs has become extremely popular over the years. They are created based on any topic and can contain as much or as little text as chosen. The ease with which this information can be created and uploaded to the web is an attractive feature. Not only does it act as ‘fresh content’ (see ‘Ways to Promote Your Website – Part 1 of 3′) but can also bring in the readers week after week. By creating interesting, well written content, your audience stays engaged.

Blogs are great for sharing new ideas, information and opinions while acting as a catalyst for discussion and debate.

By promoting external contributions via comments and sharing technologies including Facebook and Twitter, you help to spread your information and therefore your business, product and service. Not only this but through readers’ back and forth comments, you are continuing to increase the amount of fresh content that is introduced to your site – extra content that you don’t even need to write!

Forum contributions

Forums are a type of communication hub where people create and reply to posts on various topics. You will be amazed at the information you pick up in forums by contributing to discussions. Through regular posting, you not only appear as somewhat of a guru in your field but are in a great position to both advertise your business and advocate your services. You are able to address people’s questions, provide relative information and gather useful knowledge on what consumers want.

By acting in a professional manner and building a network of connections, you will find yourself selling without appearing to sell.

Mailing lists

A great way to reach a lot of people quickly, mailing lists, also known as newsletters, ezines and e-newsletters are a marketing mechanism that proves very efficient. You can create and send one email newsletter that reaches thousands of recipients. The information that you wish your clients or prospects to view can be conveniently sent straight to their inbox.

Through these messages, you can include information about your products, services, competitions, special offers and more. You can also include details and links to your website – a simple online point of entry to your business. Ultimately, this form of advertising/marketing keeps your business fresh in the customers’ minds for future business.

When using these strategies, consider what may and may not work for your site. Take into consideration the time you can allocate to establishing and maintaining them and the potential benefit they may bring.

The more strategies you implement, the better chance you have of being noticed. However, there is an investment cost that comes with each.

The final part to this series Ways to Promote Your Website – Part 3 of 3. covers the last three tips of our top nine.

Michael Soininen

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