. . IPV6 Day - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

IPV6 Day

IPV6 Day

On 6th June, 2012 the Internet Society, in conjunction with major Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and major web sites are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services.   IPv6 is the next version of the Internet Protocol, intended to replace IPv4, which is the current protocol used to direct almost all  Internet traffic.  Put simply, IPv6 is the newest version of the language used to power the Internet.

While IPv6 is not widely in use on the Internet, major service providers are already coordinating efforts to adopt it because IPv6 offers significant benefit over IPv4.  Over the past year, we at Digital Pacific have been working behind the scenes to prepare our network and services for IPv6.  We have deployed an entirely new network backbone based on enterprise-class Juniper switching equipment across both our data centres.  We have also worked closely with our vendors to ensure that the products we provide to our customers are IPv6 ready.

In support of the World IPv6 Launch Day, Digital Pacific, along with major web sites including Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, will enable permanent support for the IPv6 protocol on our primary website,
https://www.digitalpacific.com.au.  For Digital Pacific, the World IPv6 Launch means the beginning of major improvements to our products and services in addition to rolling out IPv6 support.  Over the coming months, Digital Pacific will be rolling out our new web site, new cloud hosting services, a new customer control panel and major improvements to our existing services including built-in tools to manage search engine optimisation (SEO) of your websites hosted with Digital Pacific.

The majority of users will not notice a difference, but if you’re curious, Google provides a test page (http://ipv6test.google.com/)  to check if your ISP supports IPv6.  If your ISP doesn’t yet support IPv6, ask them to join us.  The full adoption of IPv6 will take several years to complete.  At Digital Pacific, we want our customers to be ahead of the curve.  Look for future announcements as we transition our services over to IPv6 as well as for the new cloud hosting system. Today we are able to give you IPV6 address space on all dedicated servers that are ordered with us.

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