. . Humans of Digital Pacific: Robbie Edition - Digital Pacific

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Humans of Digital Pacific: Robbie Edition


What is your role at Digital Pacific:
Overnight Technical Support

How long have you been with the Digital Pacific family?
2 and a half years.

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Video games, fishing and music (mostly metal).

What are your favourite movies/TV shows?
The Dark Knight Rises and Deadpool (any superhero movie really).

Do you watch/play any sports?
Paintball, eGames, tennis and squash.

Top 5 most played songs on your media player right now?
Circe By Ghost
Broken Pieces by Apocolyptica
The house of the rising sun by Five Finger Death Punch
Rotting in Vain by Korn
Hush by HellYeah

If you were forced to pick a new name for yourself, what would you choose and why?
Bruce Wayne. So I could get away with saying “Welcome to Digital Pacific this is Batman!”.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Digital Pacific?
Love talking to our amazing customers and the culture that we have at Digital Pacific

Favourite Friday Team Lunch cuisine?
Harry’s Café de Wheels, you can never go past a hot dog with cheese sauce.

Who do you sit next to at work and what is a fact about them you think we should know?
Tom N, he has a mean tennis serve and is the coffee master.

What is something your colleagues might be surprised to learn about you?
I like a little bit of Taylor Swift (only cause by 6 year old daughter brain washed me).

What is your best memory with Digital Pacific?
Our first annual Digital Pacific fishing trip. I got real sick but it was so worth it.

What was the most interesting job you had before Digital Pacific?
I used to sell coffins for beds and Pagan supplies at a shop called “That Weird Little Shop”.

How would you sum up Digital Pacific in three words?
One Giant Family

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