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Humans of Digital Pacific: Chris Edition

11102681_10153207521573899_4487361895071634186_nToday’s Human of Digital Pacific is Chris, and I have to be honest, I can’t claim to have had an astounding level of input since he is part of the Marketing team and essentially wrote, formatted and proofed his entire profile himself.

I do however feel it is pertinent to add my two cents and mention that Chris is the type of person who shares his Subway cookies with us whenever he has them. Chris is a good guy. Be like Chris.

Without any further ado:

What do you spend your time doing at Digital Pacific?

I’m a part of the Marketing department at Digital Pacific and I contribute to the online marketing aspect by operating the Crucial brand. Basically, what you see on Crucial’s blog and social media, I cook up in my lab.

What is/are your favourite thing(s) about where you sit in the office currently?

I’m a natural light lover — if there was to be an anti-vampire, I would be it. Coincidentally, my desk sits next to a big, bright window where I can bathe in the sunshine.

It’s also very humanising to look out of the window upon Circular Quay and see a living, breathing world; it puts everything into perspective.

What was the most interesting job you had before Digital Pacific?

Not necessarily interesting, nor a job, but I once participated in some marketing research about instant noodles. I ate bowls full until there were noodles coming out of my ears, and got $40 for it. I wish every job was like that!

How did your first week at Digital Pacific go and what were your first impressions?

Essentially, I was astonished — mainly because my expectations were just blown out of the sky. To see that the people are fun-loving, workplace is rad, and that it’s all done on a large-scale organisational level, was very exciting to see.

Favourite food?

Burgers, by far. Then Italian. Maybe Italian burgers, or burger pizza…

Favourite movie?

One does not simply have a favourite movie. But if I had to say one, it would be Forrest Gump — it gets me every time. Such a simple man can do so much if he gives it his all. And plus, my girlfriend’s name is Jenny.

Favourite song?

“Yellow” by Coldplay, as it was the song that played while I had my first kiss at the 2012 Sydney Coldplay concert (cue the tears).

What is your funniest/silliest moment in life?

One time, in primary school, I was so tired that I wore my pyjamas under my school uniform, and didn’t notice until I got home.

If you could have dinner with any fictional or non-fictional character, who would it be and what would you eat?

Luigi from Super Mario Bros. because we’re the second sons in an Italian family — we just get each other. And, of course, we’d have Italian. Duh…

Favourite quote?

“What’s normal anyways?” – Forrest Gump

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