. . How to Choose a Good Hosting Site - Digital Pacific

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How to Choose a Good Hosting Site

As business owners embark on the process of setting up a website for their business, it quickly becomes apparent that a quality web hosting site is needed. It may sound like a simple requirement, but there is a plethora of hosting companies from which to select and suddenly, discerning the good from the not so good becomes a perplexing task.

From the outset, it is important to know what a web hosting company does. A hosting site is a separate entity that stores websites (including their content) for the owner of the website. Enlisting the support of a good hosting company is as important as ensuring that you have secured the most effective domain names, that you have a strong system behind your website and that the design and layout of your site will appeal to existing and potential customers.

So, what are five of the top features that you should look for in a web hosting company?

  1. Reliability and stability are two of the most important qualities that a hosting company can offer its clients. Essentially, this means that the hosting company does not take on more customers and websites than it can manage in light of the number of servers, staff and equipment available. The most credible and successful hosting sites will maintain dedicated servers and refrain from overloading the bandwith and storage space so that equipment and systems are less likely to crash and extensive traffic to your website can be accommodated.
  2. Naturally, you want to maintain the integrity of your website and to do this, effective security measures are imperative. A good hosting site will help prevent hackers from accessing your site and being provided with your business’ and your customers’ private information. Good hosting sites will regularly and frequently back up their servers and always provide you with access to the root menu of your website.
  3. You should expect your hosting company to provide you with some level of technical support. This should include identification and prevention of potential issues and prompt responses to problems when they do arise. It is a huge advantage if your hosting site offers twenty four hour support every day of the week as this will always reduce the amount of time that your website may be unavailable to your customers.
  4. Like so many other services, communication is incredibly important when it comes to the relationship between a business and the website hosting company that it elects to use. Good hosting companies will maintain an open dialogue with clients, letting them know when issues occur, and when maintenance and updates are necessary.
  5. When comparing hosting sites, select one that offers a quality system such as cPanel. The cPanel system is globally popular and unparalleled in quality and efficiency and it enables you to self-manage particular parts of your web account. The ability to add, delete and manage email addresses should be possible at the very least and as these sorts of tasks are frequently performed, it is advantageous to be able to complete them in house rather than having to rely on the technical support provision of your hosting site.

The selection of a web hosting company is an important decision that should not only be based on the amount of money that your business will be required to pay initially and on an on-going basis. It is certainly worthwhile speaking to your contacts and contemporaries to learn of their experiences and any recommendations and/or warnings that they may have. Expect an excellent level of service from your hosting site and expect them to communicate with you in an open and timely fashion.

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