. . Digital Pacific Survey Results - Digital Pacific

A Web.com Partner

Digital Pacific Survey Results

Recently we ran a survey to better understand our customers and to find out exactly what our customers know about Digital Pacific. The results were amazing, and we would like to thank everyone for taking the time to give us some much appreciated feedback.

We would like to think of Digital Pacific as a transparent company and we believe it’s important for us to perform these surveys a few times a year, it helps us continuosly improve our quality of service to you, the customer. Whilst we analyse these results we thought we would share some feedback with everyone, obviously we can’t share everything since some information would give our competitors that “edge” that we constantly strive for.

We will write more in depth blog posts in the near future about action we have taken as a result of the recent survey.

Q1: How long have you been a Digital Pacific customer?

0-1 Month 7.92%
2-6 Months 23.76%
6-12 Months 14.85%
1-2 Years 16.83%
2-3 Years 18.81%
More Than 3 Years 17.82%

Q2: Which of the following best describes you?

Website Developer 19.80%
Graphic Designer 9.90%
Techie 5.94%
Web Surfer 2.97%
Executive/Management 4.95%
Entrepreneur 6.93%
Business Owner 30.69%
Hobbyist 11.88%
Other 4.95%

Q3: Did you start a fresh account with Digital Pacific, or move from another provider?

Fresh Account 70.30%
Move 29.70%

Q4: If you moved from another provider, what was the main reason for this?

Lack of support and customer service 18.81%
Too Expensive 13.86%
Not Australian based 11.88%
Too much downtime 10.89%
Other 7.92%

Q5: What do you primarily use our service for?

Sorry, we can’t share these results with you yet…

Q6: What was your main reason for choosing Digital Pacific?

Reliability 12.87%
Australian Based 35.64%
Cost 22.77%
Support 8.91%
Eco-Friendly 8.91%
Recommended by Friend 10.89%

Q7: What other services would you like Digital Pacific to offer in the future?

Sorry, we can’t share these results with you yet…

Q8: When looking for a web hosting company, what motivates you most?

Features 12.87%
Company Reputation 7.92%
Price 15.84%
Customer Support 22.77%
Reliability 40.59%

Q9: What is your age range?

17 and Under 2.97%
18 to 34 39.60%
35 to 49 34.65%
50 to 64 19.80%
65+ 2.97%

Q10 1: Please rate the knowledge of our support (Professionalism).

Excellent 64.36%
Very Good 30.69%
Average 4.95%
Below Average 0.00%
Poor 0.00%

Q10 2: Please rate the knowledge of our support (Friendliness).

Excellent 70.30%
Very Good 23.76%
Average 4.95%
Below Average 0.99%
Poor 0.00%

Q10 3: Please rate the knowledge of our support (Knowledge).

Excellent 63.37%
Very Good 34.65%
Average 1.98%
Below Average 0.00%
Poor 0.00%

Q11: Please describe below what you would like to see improved about our service.
We received an overwhelming response from this question and look forward to addressing these responses in many posts to come.

There were so many great responses that we were thrilled to receive, and there were many points we are happy to make improvements on. We look forward to using feedback like this to help give our customers the best service we can offer for years to come.

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