. . Dedicated & VPS Support Boundaries

A Web.com Partner

Support for dedicated and virtual server customers is separated into two categories, managed and self managed, as the support varies significantly between these two groups of customers. The tables in this section provide a guide as to what level of support will be provided based on the customer’s management status, as well as the limitations that apply to managed services.

Definition: Self Managed Server

A self managed server constitutes a server where the operating system environment and any performance or operational monitoring (excluding hardware failures) is fully configured and maintained by the customer. Hardware failures are monitored and responded to as part of the Digital Pacific SLA.

Self managed server support extends to:

1. Replacement of failed hardware.
2. Ensuring the server is accessible via the network and access is available using SSH or RDP
3. Where DRAC access is enabled for a customer, support only extends to ensuring the server is accessible via the DRAC interface and that the customer can access the DRAC over the public network.
4. Where a customer has access to a VPS control panel (e.g. Parallels Power Panel), support extends to ensuring the customer has access to this panel and that the VPS can be successfully started from the panel, resulting in SSH access being available to the server.
5. Where a customer has a self-managed VPS we may make minor configuration changes without notice if that server’s configuration is negatively affecting other VPS Servers on the same host node. This will be completed by a Sysadmin who is experienced with the issue.

Self managed server support does not cover:

1. Code development or troubleshooting.
2. Debugging custom software applications
3. Performing system administration tasks.

Definition: Managed Server

A managed server constitutes a server where the operating system environment and any performance or operational monitoring is maintained by Digital Pacific system administrators as defined and limited by the tables and boundaries below. For servers that require the installation and configuration of additional software that is not within the boundaries defined in the tables below, server management will NOT be available to the customer and they will need to ensure they have appropriate resources on hand to manage their server hosted with Digital Pacific.

Managed server support does not cover:

1. Account level management for domains hosted on the server – i.e. tasks that can be carried out from within an individual domain’s control panel interface.
2. Code development or troubleshooting.
3. Debugging custom software applications.

Customers are solely responsible for managing and configuring domains and applications hosted on their server and the addition of this level of support is not possible under any managed server plans.

Important Note – Custom Configurations on Managed Servers

If a customer manually installs software that is not supported under Digital Pacific’s management plans, and this software is deemed to be causing ongoing issues with the standard installation of the server, Digital Pacific may choose to remove the management option from the customer’s plan and advise the customer they must maintain the server environment using their own management resources.

Customer Support Contacts

Only defined customer contacts can submit support issues, and these support requests must be submitted using the contact email addresses listed under the account. Customers can add and update additional contacts from their billing portal.



Initial Server Deployment

Nature Of Task Managed Server Self Managed Server
Operating System Installation Minimal installation of CentOS. Minimal installation of CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, or Windows Server(dedicated only).
Control Panel Installation Installation of cPanel or Plesk on CentOS or Plesk N/A
Control Panel Configuration Default configuration for cPanel or Plesk N/A

Server Updates

Nature Of Task Managed Server Self Managed Server
Updates to cPanel/Plesk Updates to cPanel/Plesk handled via their inbuilt update scripts N/A
Updates to Operating System (Linux) Updates to additional packages installed handled via Yum updates process. N/A

Server Monitoring

Nature Of Task Managed Server Self Managed Server
Hardware monitoring Full hardware monitoring enabled Full hardware monitoring enabled
Network Monitoring Full network monitoring enabled Basic ping monitoring enabled
Individual Website Monitoring Not supported. Use of services such as Pingdom recommended. N/A


Nature Of Task Managed Server Self Managed Server
DNS Installation and default configuration of nameserver.

Creation of nameservers and server hostname using customer’s chosen domain details.
Apache 2.2.x, PHP 5.3.x EasyApache installation of the latest available releases of PHP and Apache.
PHP versions prior to 5.3 and Apache versions prior to 2.2 are NOT supported.
MySQL 5.x Installation of latest MySQL release available within cPanel.
MySQL versions prior to 5.5 are NOT supported.
Email Server Installation and default configuration of email delivery manager(Dovecot or Courier).
Default configuration of Exim
FTP Server Installation and default configuration of FTP (Pure-FTP recommended) N/A
Software Firewall Installation and default configuration of ConfigServer Security&Firewall N/A
Additional Apache and PHP modules Installation of additional modules using EasyApache is supported, however limitations apply.

Refer to EasyApache tables and restrictions below.

Installing Additional Modules – EasyApache

EasyApache contains a long list of optional modules that can be installed, most of which can be installed by Digital Pacific under a managed solution. However, not all modules installable via EasyApache are supported under server management due to various system, configuration, or operational constraints.

The table below contains the modules available for installation via EasyApache and their support status for managed and self managed servers.

Note 1: Items under the self managed list that are marked as supported are only done so because they are installed with the default cPanel EasyApache build.
Note 2: Modules currently listed as “EXPERIMENTAL” are NOT supported at present but may become supported once in final release.

Apache Built-in Modules Default Installation – Managed Advanced Configuration – Managed Default Installation – Self Managed Advanced Configuration – Self Managed
Asis Yes  –
Auth Digest Yes  –
AuthnAlias Yes  –
AuthnAnon Yes  –
AuthnDBD Yes  –
AuthnDBM Yes  –
AuthnDefault Yes  –
AuthnzLDAP Yes  –
AuthzDBM Yes  –
AuthzOwner Yes  –
Bucketeer Yes  –
Cache Yes  –
CaseFilter Yes  –
CaseFilterIn Yes  –
Cern Meta Yes  –
Charset Lite Yes  –
DAVFs Yes  –
DAVLock Yes  –
DBD Yes  –
Dav Yes  –
Deflate Yes  –
Disk Cache Yes  –
Distcache Yes  –
Dumpio Yes  –
Echo Yes  –
Env Yes  –
Expires Yes  Yes
ExtFilter Yes  –
Mod FCGID Yes  –
File Cache Yes  –
Fileprotect Yes  Yes
Frontpage Yes  Yes
Headers Yes  Yes
Ident Yes  –
Imagemap Yes  –
LDAP Yes  –
Log Forensic Yes  –
MPM Event Yes  –
MPM Prefork Yes  –
MPM Worker Yes  –
MemCache Yes  –
Mime Magic Yes  –
Optional Fn Export Yes  –
Optional Fn Import Yes  –
Optional Hook Export Yes  –
Optional Hook Import Yes  –
Mod SuPHP Yes  Yes
Proxy Yes  Yes
Speling Yes  –
UniqueId Yes  –
Usertrack Yes  –
Version Yes  –
Vhost Alias Yes  –
Other Modules Default Installation – Managed Advanced Configuration – Managed Default Installation –
Self Managed
Advanced Configuration –
Self Managed
EAccelerator for PHP Yes Yes
IonCube Loader for PHP Yes
Mod Bandwidth Yes
Mod GeoIP Yes
Mod HTScanner Yes
Mod Mono (.Net 1.x)
Mod Mono (.Net 2.x)
Mod Perl Yes
Mod Qos Yes
Mod Security Yes Yes
Suhosin for PHP Yes Yes
SourceGuardian Loader for PHP Yes
Xcache for PHP Yes
Zend Guard Loader for PHP Yes
PHP 5.3.x Modules Default Installation – Managed Advanced Configuration – Managed Default Installation –
Self Managed
Advanced Configuration – Self Managed
Bcmath Yes Yes
Bz2 Yes
CGI Yes Yes
Calendar Yes Yes
Curl Yes
CurlSSL Yes Yes
Curlwrappers Yes
Enchant Yes
Exif Yes
Expat Yes
FTP Yes Yes
FileInfo Yes
GD Yes
Gettext Yes
Iconv Yes
Imap Yes Yes
Intl Yes
MM Yes
Magic Quotes Yes Yes
MailHeaders Yes Yes
Mbregex Yes
Mbstring Yes
Mcrypt Yes
Mysql Yes Yes
Mysql of the system Yes Yes
MySQL “Improved” extension. Yes
Openssl Yes Yes
Path Info Check Yes
Pear Yes
PGsql Yes
Phar Yes
Pspell Yes
SQLite3 Yes
SafeMode Yes
Safe PHP CGI Yes
Silence Deprecated Patch Yes
Sockets Yes Yes
System Timezone Yes
TTF (FreeType) Yes
Tidy Yes
Wddx Yes
XmlRPC Yes
Zend Multibyte Yes
Zip Yes
Zlib Yes Yes

Installing Additional Modules – Yum or Manual Installation

For additional server modules that are not available via cPanel’s EasyApache tool, these need to be assessed on a case by case basis. The Customer should contact DP with the details of the module they wish to have installed, and it will be at the discretion of Digital Pacific whether the installation will be supported under management.

  1. If Digital Pacific agrees to install any additional server components manually or via YUM, the advanced configuration of these components will be the customer’s responsibility. The Customer will need to follow any documentation provided by the developer of the additional module to configure it for use in their environment.
  2. Digital Pacific offers no guarantees for what will and will not be installed and each request will be assessed independently.

Installing Additional Perl Modules or PHP Extensions

Items under the WHM sections “Module Installers” and “Install a Perl Module” can be installed under server management time. However, advanced configuration and instructional advice on how to use these additional modules is NOT covered by server management. Clients wishing to have these installed will need to work through the appropriate documentation to configure and integrate them into their requirements.

Installing Ruby Gems

Ruby Gem(s) may be installed under management time. However advanced configuration and instructional advice on how to use these additional modules is NOT covered by server management. Clients wishing to have these installed will need to work through the appropriate documentation to configure and integrate them into their requirements.

Installing Softaculous

Installation of Softaculous will be done under a managed server solution when licensing for Softaculous has been purchased through us. A customer may also install Softaculous themselves if they choose to purchase a license for it elsewhere.

Installing Alternatives to Softaculous (e.g. Installatron or Softaculous)
A customer can install these applications without it interfering with the management plan in place. However support for issues with these alternative script installers cannot be provided by Digital Pacific and will need to be handled by the appropriate third party developer.



Nature Of Task Default Installation – Managed Advanced Configuration – Managed Default Installation – Self Managed Advanced Configuration – Self Managed
DNS yes yes
Apache 2.2.x, PHP 5.3.x yes yes
MySQL 5.x  yes yes
Email Server  yes yes
FTP Server  yes yes
Software Firewall  yes yes
Additional Server Modules  yes yes


Additional Server Modules is limited to those available in the System section of Plesk or made available for download by Parallels for the Plesk Control Panel.

Installing Additional Software and Extensions

The installation of additional software and web related extensions is NOT supported under Digital Pacific’s management plans for Windows Server environments. If customers choose to install additional applications, they must ensure they have the appropriate resources on hand to manage the installation, configuration, and any ongoing performance related issues that may arise as a result of the installed software.



Limitation of Time Included with Plan

Management plans come with a limited amount of system administration time which may vary from plan to plan. Once the allocated time has been utilised, whether for server maintenance or addressing server issues, additional system administration time will need to be purchased if further investigations or tasks are required.

Investigation and Resolution of Issues with Default and Approved applications

When an issue arises with a server component that is within the support boundaries outlined above, Digital Pacific system administrator will investigate and attempt to resolve the issue wherever possible. Serious issues that result in additional time needed above the amount of time allocated to a management plan will require additional system administration time to be purchased.

As Digital Pacific is not the developer of the software utilised on the dedicated solutions we provide, we do not accept any liability for issues that arise from its use. Whilst Digital Pacific will always endeavour to resolve issues whenever possible, from time to time we may need to pass the issue over to the support technicians provided by the software developer.

When an issue arises on the server, and it is determined that the cause of the issue is due to an unsupported application that is installed, Digital Pacific system administrators can only provide initial guidance on what component may be responsible for the issue. A resolution to the issue will need to be sought from the support channels of the applicable software developers. If the software developer’s support technicians advise on configuration adjustments that can be made to default or supported server components, Digital Pacific system administrators will make the required adjustments as part of the management plan. If no additional management time is left, additional administration time will need to be purchased for these changes to be carried out.



The investigation and resolution of server issues, excluding hardware failures, on self managed servers is the sole responsibility of the customer. However, if an issue arises with a server component that Digital Pacific system administrators are familiar with, these can be investigated and resolved with the advance purchase of system administration time if the customer requests our assistance.
